Xbox One Screenshot Feature Coming “Early 2015”

Since the Xbox One’s debut screenshots have been one of the most widely requested features. Although a year has gone by since the requests began piling up, and several other major requested features have been added in monthly updates, a screenshot command is nowhere to be seen. Thankfully, the wait for its arrival is almost over.

Speaking in a new video (seen above), Phil Spencer shared that screenshot functionality will make its way to Xbox One very soon. He said:

Screenshots are coming early this year. I know it has been a question for quite a while. We delivered themes, I think a natural addon to themes are screenshots. Giving people more ability to share their great gaming moments on the platform, whether it’s just as a screenshot, as their background, or through many of the different social networks that we allow people to share their content through is a long-term commitment that we have.

The PS4 has had a screenshot feature since launch, and it has been incredibly useful in a variety of applications. I’ve personally used it for sharing moments that might not necessarily be great for video, capturing graphical quality, in addition to easily making images for articles I write. It’ll be great when Xbox One gets screenshots of its own.

Also See: Xbox One Conquers November and December 2014

In the video Phil Spencer also confirmed that Forza Motorsport 6 will arrive in 2015, and also shared his excitement for announcements planned for January 22nd where it’s expected that Microsoft will talk about its intention to bring PC and Xbox together in Windows 10.


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