A new year of gaming is upon us. If it’s anything like 2014, it’ll be just as eventful as unpredictable. It’s a year that many gamers expect a lot from, and a time where consoles are expected to forge their long-term identity.
Although the gaming industry is tough to forecast, we have 10 predictions for 2015. Several of these feed off the trends of 2014, but a few are bold. If we’re right, you can expect to see the gaming landscape shift in dramatic ways.
Also See: 8 Games That Will Push Next-Gen Graphics in 2015
Check out our 10 predictions in the gallery below, and then feel free to share a comment with what you think will happen in the next 12 months.
Looking Forward to 2015: 10 Predictions for Gaming in 2015
Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty continue downward trend
Probability: High
Article: This is the Funniest Assassin’s Creed Unity Glitch Yet
Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty have had yearly releases for more than five years. That's a lot to ask from a development team, and it's beginning to show. Although Advanced Warfare was a strong entry in the series, it sold less than its predecessor. Meanwhile, Assassin's Creed had two releases in 2014, both of which are the most poorly received in franchise history.
Chances are that Ubisoft is already allocating resources to Watch Dogs 2 in order to establish that as the next premier franchise, and Activision has high hopes for Destiny. In a few year's time you can reasonably expect Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty to no longer be treated as industry leaders. In the meantime, you can expect another yearly decline.
Console graphics will plateau
Probability: Moderate
Article: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End Gets 1080p Gameplay Premier
During the past several console generations gamers have become used to seeing dramatic graphical differences between games of early and late generation. I have a feeling that the margin will be much smaller this time around after playing around with a GTX 970 on my PC.
The truth of the matter is that diminishing returns are at a point where it takes exponentially more power to see visually-verifiable results. With Killzone: Shadow Fall, inFamous: Second Son, Forza Horizon 2, and Driveclub looking as good as they do, anyone expecting a major jump in graphical fidelity during 2015 might be destined for disappointment.
Digital sales will become more prominent
Probability: High
Article: 2014 Infographic Shows Rise of Digital Game Sales
In 2014 digital game sales continued their upward trend across all families of console, including surprising representation on Nintendo's eShop. Many gamers have voiced that they prefer to have physical copies over the years, but the trends show that more than ever consumers are finding value in the perks of buying and owning games digitally. While it has made software sales tracking more difficult than ever (NPD Group only includes physical sales), it means larger profit margins for Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. I'll be surprised if digital sales don't continue their march in 2015.
Quality control will result in more polished games, and more delays
Probability: High
Article: Driveclub Launch Day Armageddon: Where’s the Free PS Plus Edition?
2014 was a year marred by games that simply weren't ready for prime time. Games like Driveclub, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and ArcheAge tested the patience of gamers, and were done a disservice by being release prematurely.
Looking at the sales of these games, they were certainly impacted by the negativity. Any publisher who doesn't take that seriously is making a big mistake, and I suspect that most if not all major publishers are going to think twice when discussing when its games will release. That'll mean more polished games, but consequently some delays (such as the one with The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt).
Rare will make a comeback
Probability: Very Low
Article: Microsoft Will Help Rare Reevaluate Post-Kinect, Says Phil Spencer
Since Rare was acquired by Microsoft it has largely been an unproductive studio. While some of that is due to many of the original team members jumping ship, some of it has been caused by Microsoft not taking many risks with the studio. That all may change in 2015 as Xbox Head Phil Spencer has confirmed that the studio is working on something he's optimistic about, saying "Rare's working on a uniquely Rare game". He couldn't have said anything more exciting given Rare's domination in the 90's with games like Donkey Kong Country, Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, and GoldenEye 007.
While its recent track record might not be strong, I'm willing to cast away all doubt and say that it will deliver something unexpectedly good in 2015.
Sequels galore
Probability: Very High
Article: Deus Ex: Universe Confirmed for PS4, Xbox One, and PC
Here are several sequels I am convinced will be announced in 2015, including:
- Dark Souls 3
- Deus Ex: Universe
- Fallout 4
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor 2
- The Last of Us 2
- Watch Dogs 2
I'll take one of everything.
The Last Guardian will actually re-appear
Probability: Impossible
Article: Yoshida Says Sony Is Still Hard at Work on The Last Guardian
I know just about everyone has given up on The Last Guardian, but I'm convinced that it's ready for a re-debut. I say this because Team ICO has been working on the game for a number of years, and there's no way that Sony is going to forego all that investment, especially knowing how badly gamers want it.
Yes, it'll be for PS4, and there's a good chance it'll be quite dissimilar to what was seen at its debut in 2009.
Virtual reality will deliver
Probability: Moderate
Article: Oculus Rift’s Completion Is “Very Close,” Says CEO
We've seen virtual reality in generations past, but nothing quite like what is about to hit the market in 2015. Oculus Rift has impressed just about every person who has tried it, and in 2015 its first consumer model will be born. There's billions of dollars behind it, and even Sony has expressed interest in VR with Project Morpheus. Not everyone is going to love it, but I have a feeling we're on the verge of a virtual reality renaissance that will re-shape how the world looks at video games.
Wii U will continue to strengthen first-party line-up, sell poorly
Probability: Very High
Article: Best Console of 2014: PS4 vs. Xbox One vs. Wii U
The Wii U is the console version of Bad Luck Brian; no matter how hard it tries, it seems like it can never earn the attention it deserves. 2014 proved that by selling fewer than 250k units in November despite introducing three Game of the Year Candidates (Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros. Wii U). This is a console that is actually selling worse than the Dreamcast, and that console is dead. I don't expect anything to change no matter how amazing Star Fox Wii U and The Legend of Zelda Wii U are.
Xbox One will take back North America
Probability: Moderate
Article: Microsoft’s $329 Xbox One Bundle is Dominating Black Friday
While a lot of gamers talk about the Xbox One as if it were selling poorly, it's doing anything but. It's currently outselling the Xbox 360 in the same amount of time, and its performance during the holiday season has been staggering thanks to a temporary price drop to $350. It's on the cusp of having a larger install base than the PS4 in North America, and with the help of Halo 5: Guardians I expect it to earn the upper hand in the region.