Crazy Family Madness Messing with your Holiday Buzz? Here’s The Brief on Surviving the Holidays

The holidays are here, and d’you know what that means? It means spending time with a bunch of relatives you pretend to tolerate, that’s what! Hooray!

The holiday season is made to look like a bunch of fun and games in commercials, but in reality it’s when you come face-to-face with cousins, aunties, step-cousins, step-uncles twice removed and more miscellaneous humans who have somehow wandered into your life over the years, in order to sit around an elaborately decorated tree surrounded by presents you’ll likely hate. “Wow, glow-in-the-dark underwear! Thanks, Uncle Jim! What a hilarious novelty gift I’ll get absolutely no use out of whatsoever!”

In order to help you overcome the headache that the holidays can typically bring (and we’re not talking about the kind that can be induced by drinking too much eggnog), we’ve come up with a brief guide on how to survive the holiday season, and how to ignore your awful family.

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