DmC: Definitive Edition Set to Release on PS4 and Xbox One

A definitive edition of the divisive DmC: Devil May Cry is set to release on PS4 and Xbox One, boasting 1080p/60fps visuals and releasing with all the DLC for the game.

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The redesigned DmC, which featured a different looking, black-haired Dante from the silver-haired protagonist featured in previous Devil May Cry games, attracted no small degree of criticism when it released from fans of the series, who vocally spoke out against its new look. However, when the dust had settled on the controversy, many began hailing it as a great action game and a necessary change of pace for the franchise in a post-Bayonetta world.

Now that the game is the next to jump on board the remastered trend, developer Ninja Theory will hope that it receives a more unanimously positive response than the first time around. Retailing for $39.99, DmC: Definitive Edition will be released on March 17th, 2015. 


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