LittleBigPlanet 3 Errors and Lag Cripple the Game, Sumo Digital Responds

All is not well in the world of LittleBigPlanet 3. At the time of this writing the game is a buggy mess, with error messages popping up frequently on PS4 that cause the game to crash to the home screen, audio and visual lag in cutscenes and crippling lag and frame rate drops in online multiplayer, among other things. For a game that is so reliant upon its sense of community, this is a huge problem, and players are making their problems with the game known.

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After becoming more than a little infuriated with the game’s myriad problems, I tweeted developer Sumo Digital asking whether or not a patch was in the works, and when we could expect it. To their credit, the developer swiftly responded, writing: “Patch 1.03 is just being finalised internally and we should have a lot more info to share shortly:) hold tight”.

Hopefully this means that we’ll receive the patch notes sooner rather than later, and we’ll find out whether or not the problems that are so prevalent in the game are ones which the patch will fix. Right now there are multiple issues with LBP3, which I’d wager will take more than one simple patch to fix.

While the frequent error messages should certainly be the first thing that Sumo Digital fixes, I really want to be able to enjoy seamless online play with my friends, something which I simply cannot do due to infuriating lag that makes the game’s charming platforming more maddening than it is gleefully joyous. It’s a shame, too, because I’m a big fan of the series and I’m really enjoying the game – when it works properly. Which, at this moment in time, is rarely.

We’ll have more information in regards to the release date of the patch, and its patch notes, in the future.