Grand Theft Auto V‘s new first-person viewpoint on the PS4/Xbox One/PC remaster of the game looks to be much more than just a gimmick, with footage of the new mode circulating on the internet showing that not only does it make GTA V look a lot better, but it also fundamentally changes its gameplay as it translates to both the on-foot and driving segments of the game.
Also See: Sony Highlights GTA V’s PS4 Exclusive Features
However, the GTA series’ comical level of over-the-top violence is somewhat uncomfortable to witness when you’re placed in the shoes of one of the game’s three protagonists. Several NeoGAF members have noted how the game’s new perspective may make the violence a little “too much,” with some of the wanton acts violence you can perform on innocents in the open-world game being less ludicrous and more… well… take a look:

Personally, the new first-person perspective has me looking forward to GTA V all over again, even though I usually have major reservations about remastered editions of recent games.
With that being said, it’s easy to predict that the swathes of protesters who (wrongly) claim that video games somehow cause violence are going to have a field day with this because, let’s be honest, when this footage is taken out of the context of GTA‘s ridiculous world, it does look more than a little warped.

I guess all we can do now is sit back and wait for the first real-life crime that GTA V will no doubt be linked with.