Have you been spending the good part of your day in a queue trying to play World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor? You aren’t alone. World of Warcraft has been hit by the longest queues in MMO history, some extending further than eight hours in length.
Part of the reason for the queue length is the reduction of server capacity on the part of Blizzard. This was done to remedy lag issues that plagued the early release of Warlords of Draenor, impacting the quality of life of those who managed to survive the queues.
Many have speculated that the lag and queues can be blamed in-part to DDoS attack. When asked about it, Community Representative Josh Allen commented the following on Twitter:
the “problem” is that there are way more people trying to play than our systems can handle.
Community Manager Bashiok posted an update shortly after with the following details:
We’re beginning work on the Europe hardware upgrades now that realms have been brought down for maintenance. In addition we’re pushing out code hotfixes we’ve been testing to the Americas and Oceanic realms, and we’ll be applying those same fixes to Europe realms during their maintenance. We’ll continue providing regular updates, but please be aware that most of our efforts are now focused on the Europe and Americas/Oceanic hardware upgrades.
Allen followed up by stating that “this should allow the servers to sustain a substantial number of additional players“. It looks like a remedy is in sight.
So the question is, why wasn’t Blizzard ready for the launch? The answer to that is that it was prepared, but not enough. It appears that Warlords of Draenor‘s popularity has exceeded estimations. If you hear a statement soon about Warlords of Draenor boosting World of Warcraft‘s subscription count to enormous heights, don’t be surprised. This expansion might have a troubled launch, but the content is staggering. Word is getting around.
Also See: Warlords of Draenor First Impressions
This launch has been shaky, but hopefully things will be smoothed over soon and we can all get back to being able to log in when we want. And to those saying that this is the worst MMO launch in history, you might want to brush up on your history.
My Warlords of Draenor Screenshots
WoW: Warlords of Draenor Review
A new adventure
A seven hour server queue led to me ditching my main on Tichondrius and making a brand new Orc Warrior on Stormscale.
Welcome to Draenor
After some issues with zoning, I was able to enter Draenor. It was familiar yet unfamiliar, just the thing I was looking for.
Awesome quests
Warlords of Draenor wastes no time. I was doing awesome quests just moments after walking through the Dark Portal.
Meeting the characters
Unlike previous expansions, Warlords of Draenor goes out of its way to introduce its characters. Having context really helps make tasks feel more substantial.
Cinematics are everywhere
Instead of leaving things up to your imagination, Warlords of Draenor delivers its epic moments in cinematic form. They're one of my favorite parts of the expansion so far.
Great enemy design
I've already encountered some cool enemies in Warlords of Draenor, such as this Ogre who fires cannonballs from his back that need to be dodged.
My first team fight
About two hours into Warlords of Draenor I encountered a large Ogre with a few DPS characters standing around it. I didn't hesitate to charge in, taunt, and pound that savage beast into submission.
It's Christmas!
Okay, so Christmas is actually more than a month away, but Frostfire Ridge's atmosphere makes me want to buy a Christmas tree early and play some Mannheim Streamroller
Collector's Edition mount
This is one of my new favorite mounts. Beyond how cool it looks, it represents Blizzard's evolution in art design. Armor, characters, and more look better than ever in Warlords of Draenor.
They're coming!
I charged up that hill only to notice I had a stampede of Ogres and Warthogs ready to crush me. I turned around and let Thrall handle the situation, and he did so as seen in the next slide.
Thrall takes care of business
20 Ogres are no match for the G.O.A.T.
Is this Mario?
Dodging flaming balls is my forte. Keyboard turners beware.
My first epic
I was supposed to get a green item for this quest turn-in, but it metamorphosed into an epic. I was excited, to say the least.
High five, Follower
Garrisons are absolutely amazing. Here's my first mission turn in.
Getting my exercise on
While leveling I ran across this Ogre who was doing sit ups to work out his abs. I think he's trying to get rid of that beer gut.
My first visitor
This is the first time a friend visited my Garrison. We did 360's over so many objects.
Blood Elf magic
She's very talented.
This multi-stage quest to end Frostfire Ridge was uber epic.
Space. The final frontier.
Is this Destiny?
Entering a new zone
Gorgrond welcomed me with open arms.
Don't stand in the fire
Iron Docks is an amazing dungeon.
Victory celebration
After completing Iron Docks I headed back to my Tavern to turn in a quest, listened to some Troll music, and drank to celebrate the victory.
Dancing with Bashiok
Just one of many cool items that drop from Rare enemies.
Just heading to the next quest.
First PvP encounter
I got an achievement for killing this guy since he was my first honor kill on this character. That must have been embarrassing...
Awesome quest
Shooting down these bats was pretty stinkin' fun.
My favorite.
Tanking a massive bird
This bird was no match for me.
Nagrand 2.0
Dat nostalgia..
UBRS finals boss
This is easily one of my favorite 5-man bosses.
I can't even see, dude.
Old raids are more fun than ever.
Tier 3 FTW
This is my Tier 3 Garrison. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Preparing for war
War Mill complete. Who wants some?
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
This room is seriously awesome. You have to see it in person.
Ready for more
I'm item level 621, and still have a lot of gear farming to do. But I'm already loving this expansion.