A man recovering from brain injury has been given an incredibly rare gun in Destiny from developer Bungie, after his wife posted his story on Reddit.
Eric Levasseur has had seven brain surgeries over the past year, with his wife Brittany taking to the Destiny subreddit to explain just how much playing the game has helped him cope. Brittany wrote: “To my extreme surprise, his Neurologist told us that video games have been showing tremendous use as a PT tool for brain and memory damage. He even brought Destiny up on his computer and after some speed reading he was all but jumping at the opportunity the game could pose for someone in my husbands position.
“Guardians, he was so happy. One extra playstation in the house and he was good to go. I have been shocked how well he has taken to it. Once an avid cook, he was no longer able to navigate our kitchen– but with Destiny, it was like a duck to water. He has always been exceptionally good at games, and it seems like that hadn’t changed a bit.
“It’s been a joy to watch him. It’s been a little over a week, and the games effect on him has been so strong. Weak for months, he is flourishing in more than just the game world. He has been going out more, doing chores, making jokes. The effect of playing the game on his mood has been almost staggering.”
As a result of the post, Brittany revealed that she had been contacted by Bungie who had sent her husband along an incredibly rare Exotic weapon called ‘The Fate Of All Fools’. The gun is so rare, in fact, that Eric is the only one in possession of it at the moment outside of Bungie, as it won’t be available to others until a future DLC release.

Not only does Eric now have a new gun, he also has new friends to play Destiny with, too, after Brittany stated how his condition meant that when he embarked upon a Raid, his teammates grew impatient with him and brought down his mood. This is when Redditor Floodwrath came to the rescue, writing: “Are you on ps4? If so me and my buddies will gladly take him on the raid of his life next week. We will do our absolute best to make sure he has a great time, and only needs to communicate if he wants to. Message me if you think he will be interested!”
According to Floodwrath, Brittany and Eric took him up on his offer and they’re arranging to go on a Raid any day now.
Here’s what Eric’s new gun looks like in action:

With so many negative stories coming out of the gaming community and industry, it’s great to hear a story as heartwarming as this one. We hope Eric continues to enjoy Destiny and that Brittany continues to be awesome, because Guardians sometimes find it difficult fighting their battles solo.