Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is being played by everyone and anyone right now, with players racing to hit the next Prestige level and working out all the nuances in what is the most radical departure for the CoD series since the first Modern Warfare.
Advanced Warfare comes with a bunch of new additions to its gameplay mechanics, and there’s a whole lot to learn for both newcomers to the franchise and veterans. With that being said, we’ve gone ahead and detailed what you need to know to achieve instant success in the game’s hugely popular multiplayer component.
Related: Conan O’Brien’s Advanced Warfare Review
Check out our top 10 tips for instant success in CoD: Advanced Warfare‘s multiplayer in the gallery below:
10 Tips for Instant Success in CoD: Advanced Warfare's Multiplayer
The Perfect Scorestreak Stack
Getting your hands on the Paladin, the most expensive scorestreak in the game, is easier than you might think. While you'll have to earn 950 points in order to set it loose on the enemy team, you can earn those points by using this perfect scorestreak stack.
The perfect scorestreak stack requires you to equip the 'Streaker' wildcard in order to use four streaks. Here's the stack in its entirety:
- UAV with Extra Assist Points
- Missile Strike
- XS1 Goliath
- Paladin
This combination, discovered by TheKAPGUN, will ensure that you can rack up those points in no time.
Play Hardpoint for the XP
Hardpoint is the best way to earn XP in Advanced Warfare. Alongside giving players XP for killing enemies, it also dishes out extra XP for attacking and defending the ever-changing objective area, securing it, and killing enemies who are attempting to secure it.
If you want to level up quickly then this is the game type in which you should spend most of your time.
Don't Play Like it's Titanfall
Though Advanced Warfare seems to have been shaped in the same mold as Titanfall, it's a very different beast. Whereas in Titanfall you're required to zip around the map, wall-run through tight corridors and use your surroundings to your advantage, in Advanced Warfare making yourself more visible to your opponents by shooting up into the air is a recipe for disaster.
While your added double jump and improved agility will come in handy from time to time, using your jetpack to simply get from A to B will give away your position as you're sent hurtling into the sky.
It's very tempting to spend the entirety of each match hopping around like a jumping bean, but doing so will make you an incredibly easy target. Stick to the ground as often as possible.
Watch Your Back
Spawning is an issue in Advanced Warfare, with players often spawning directly behind the enemy team. As such, dying from a few bullets sprayed into your back is commonplace.
You'll want to keep this in mind while wandering through the maps, and be sure to not stay in one place for an elongated period of time. While campers are still very much part and parcel of the game, they're less effective in Advanced Warfare due to the spawns, and while you can get a few kills under your belt by simply crouching in a corner somewhere relatively hidden, the real key to success is marching around each map's perimeter.
Infected is Fun and Also Gives Out a Lot of XP
If you're not feeling in a particularly competitive mood then the Infected game type, which can be found in the Bonus Playlist, dishes out a surprising amount of XP.
This is due to it rewarding players with survivor medals for managing to stick it out for a lengthy period of time, which can see your end-of-match bonuses see you bagging thousands of XP. While Hardpoint is undoubtedly the most beneficial game type for those looking to Prestige, Infected is also a pretty
Understand the Exo Suit's Strengths and Weaknesses
The powers of the Exo Suit are far less handy than you'd imagine, as using them will give away your position to the enemy team.
While the Stim power can get you out of a tight place thanks to it swiftly regenerating your health, you'll often find more success by waiting in a safe place and waiting for it to regenerate automatically, so that you don't show your enemies where you are.
Other Exo powers are almost completely worthless, with Exo Hover in particular allowing you to hover in the air for a while like a sitting duck.
With Advanced Warfare's 'Pick 13' system allowing you to mix and match abilities, weaponry, perks and scorestreaks, some may even opt to completely remove their Exo powers altogether, and in all honesty, that may not be such a bad idea.
You Don't Need Grenades
You'll find that grenades are far less useful in Advanced Warfare than in previous Call of Duty games, with them appearing to have a smaller blast radius and the added agility granted to players allowing them to swiftly evade any explosives.
With the 'Pick 13' system in place, you might want to consider dropping them from your inventory.
Use the Assault Rifle
Obviously you'll want to experiment with all of the weapon types in Advanced Warfare, but pound-for-pound the assault rifle category is where you'll want to spend most of your time.
Sniper rifles are fun, yes, but in this more fast-paced Call of Duty they're a lot more difficult to master and aren't benefited by the myriad of tight corners and corridors, and the shotguns will still find difficulty in toppling a skilled player with a rifle in one-on-one situations.
If you're looking to earn the most points, then your best bet is to try out the assault rifles at your disposal and see which one complements your play style the most.
On Riot, Dominate on the Roof
Riot is a map in which you can absolutely dominate if you and your team work as a cohesive unit.
The roof of the prison cell overlooks the three main areas of the map, providing you with an excellent vantage point that your opponents won't be able to topple you from if you play your cards right. If you have one teammate facing the prison grounds, another facing the left entrance to the prison and another facing the right, you'll be unstoppable. With players only able to make it to the roof by actively appearing in the open, you can prepare for some easy victories if you stick to these tactics.
Customize the Orbital Care Package
If you want to access the high-tier scorestreaks in as little time as possible, you can customize the orbital care package to increase the probability of it unlocking a great scorestreak ability for you to use.
While it's still very much a game of chance as to whether you get something worthwhile from the care package, you'll certainly want to increase the likelihood of you striking it rich and this is the way to do it.