30. The MSA Training Montage (Step Up 2 The Streets)

This is the scene where Andie twerks a lot. There’s also a ton of really great dancing in it, but that’s probably the biggest selling point.
29. The MSA Silhouette Rehearsal (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Short, stylish, and impressively dramatic. The MSA Crew is now a well-oiled machine. Breaking them apart now would be an utter tragedy. Naturally, that’s just what happens.
28. The Pirates Training Montage (Step Up 3D)

Awesome music, colorful cinematography and a broad cast of characters who each get their moment to shine and show off their love of dance. These folks were born from a boom box, and for that we will always love them.
27. Missy’s Barbecue Salsa (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Dancing doesn’t always have to be a battle. Sometimes it’s just fun and silly and romantic, like in this lovely scene from Step Up 2 The Streets where everyone salsas, romances are finally forged, and the heart of an old lady is cautiously broken.
26. Robot Love (Step Up All In)

Vladd is a robot. Robot Girl is also a robot. He tries to seduce her with robot love but her teammates pull her away right after their eyes lock. “Poor robot bastard,” Moose intones. Poor robot bastard indeed.
25. LMNTRIX vs. The Mob (Step Up All In)

LMNTRIX and The Mob used to be one and the same. Now they are competing for glory at The Vortex. They’re evenly matched and unleash an amazing barrage of moves on both sides, but that weird moment where LMNTRIX ejaculates all over The Mob drops this battle down quite a few pegs. What the heck was up with that, anyway?
24. Moose’s One Move (Step Up 3D)

Luke has lost faith in dancing, so Moose tells him why it matters. One move can change the world, he reminds us, showing off his Elvis and Michael Jackson impersonations and putting all this silly dancing business in the proper context, making us care too (as if we didn’t already).
23. Emily & Sean Make Each Other Look Good (Step Up Revolution)

This scene is pure sex.
22. Moose vs. Kid Darkness (Step Up 3D)

Damn it, Moose. You can’t be in New York for five freaking minutes without dance fighting a samurai, pissing off the cops and joining a team of superpowered dancers with their own danger room. And we freaking love you for it.
21. The Vortex Audition Tape (Step Up All In)

Finally, the Step Up/Frankenstein mash-up we always wanted. Sexy costumes, ridiculous set design and a pleasingly morbid monster motif make for a damn fun dance sequence that forms one of the highlights of Step Up All In.