40. The Suspiciously Choreographed Club Dance (Step Up)

The Step Up movies often get mislabeled as musicals, but they’ve come close a couple of times to actually playing like proper song-and-dance movies. Case in point, this funny scene from Step Up when Tyler realizes that everyone – literally everyone – on the dance floor knows the same choreography, and he’s always a step behind, improv-ing his way out of embarrassment and totally getting away with it.
39. The MSA Cavalry Arrives (Step Up 3D)

Oh no, The Pirates have lost half their crew to the dastardly samurai! How ever are they going to compete in the World Jam? By bringing in the beloved MSA Crew at the last possible minute, that’s how. They arrive in slow-motion and each get a moment to show off their stuff. Well, except Camille for some reason. (Sigh.)
38. Love at the Vintage Vegas Park (Step Up All In)

Sean and Andie wander off into a mysterious amusement park/neon sign graveyard in Las Vegas and wind up breakdancing to Bobby Brown in the dorkiest love scene in the whole franchise. But the naive sincerity is all part of Step Up‘s charm, and these two are great together. Bonus points for producer Adam Shankman’s charming cameo as the sleepy caretaker who turns on a ride so these two can dance, and flirt, properly.
37. The World Jam Training Montage (Step Up 3D)

Everyone dances all awesome, shorties make their DDR debut and a false stop to the proceedings with the fortune-telling machine from Big and the depowering of Vladd the robot make this one of the all-time best rehearsal montages in the franchise.
36. Tyler & Nora’s Second Rehearsal Montage (Step Up)

Tyler and Nora are officially a couple and can finally unleash all the unbridled chemistry that brought co-stars Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan together in real life. This is the scene that we hope they played at their wedding party.
35. The 410 Hit the Streets (Step Up 2 The Streets)

The 410 are the villains of Step Up 2 The Streets, but dang it they can dance. This crew pulls out all the stops for a number that could have been big enough to end the movie on its own, but amazingly, there’s an even bigger routine to come.
34. The Samurai Strike Back (Step Up 3D)

Moose shouldn’t have battled that Samurai. Now they’re out for revenge with living boom boxes, The Warriors-inspired dance fights and an escape scene right out of TRON. The only thing that isn’t awesome about this sequence is how short it is. (There’s actually more of it in the deleted scenes.)
33. The MSA Outtakes (Step Up 2 The Streets)

The colorful cast of characters finally gets to cut loose and just dance – however they want – in the closing credits of Step Up 2 The Streets, making them even more endearing than ever before. Plus, Missy finally gets to take center stage and show off just how great a dancer she really is. If you didn’t love the MSA Crew already, this is the dance sequence that will do it.
32. The MSA Gets Schooled (Step Up 2 The Streets)

The MSA Crew decides to check out the competition. BIG MISTAKE. They get properly served by the 410, knocking them down a few dramatic pegs and establishing their opponents as a serious force to be reckoned with in the finale. Damn good dance storytelling.
31. Is This Where You Kill Me? (Step Up)

Nora takes Tyler to her special place where it sure seems like she’s about to murder him. Instead, they dance all super-romantic-like against the sunset with lifts galore and plenty of inspirational speechifying.