All 92 ‘Step Up’ Movie Dance Sequences – RANKED


50. Kido Won’t Stop (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Oh, Kido, how we love you. And it all began with this impromptu display of unstoppable dancing, proving just how passionate she is about old school hip hop moves.


49. The Vortex Party (Step Up All In)

The entire cast of Step Up All In – a formidable crew if ever there was one – celebrates the end of The Vortex and everyone gets to cuddle, including Sean & Andie, Moose & Camille, two robots and the Santiago Twins, who finally find their soul mates. Freaking adorable.


48. The Anderson Job, Part II (Step Up Revolution)

The Mob finally crosses the line into flat out vandalism and disturbing the peace, betraying Emily and wrecking her relationship with her father in the process. It’s enough to almost make you hate them, but it’s a still a strong dramatic moment.


47. Chad at the Cha Cha (Step Up All In)

Chad seemed like a cartoon character at first, but when he asks to join LMNTRIX he tears off his shirt and unleashes a brutal barrage of hardcore moves that almost make us forgive him for his creepy attempts to seduce his fellow dancers.


46. Emily Fights for What She Wants (Step Up Revolution)

Miami has been saved, and Emily finally gets to prove her dance routine was amazing all along. It’s unusual for a Step Up movie to end with a big bravura number followed by a slower, sweeter routine, but despite the sudden shift in tone this is still a lovely little sequence.


45. The Vortex Elimination Round (Step Up All In)

Pay attention folks, because THIS is how you do a competition montage. Dance crews from all over the world compete in The Vortex, each of them standing out and getting a memorable moment on stage. And yes, this is where we first meet the female robot who would win Vladd’s heart.


44. The Mysterious Natalie Seduction (Step Up 3D)

Who is Natalie, and why does she steal hats? Luke must know, and Natalie must seduce him for reasons that become shockingly clear later in the film. The allure is undeniable.


43. Tyler’s First Rehearsal (Step Up)

Yes, Tyler agreed to rehearse with Nora, but he didn’t agree to wear tights. Their competing attitudes lead to immediate and very intense romantic tension.


42. Mooskie, This is Your Song (Step Up All In)

Moose busts some serious moves in a Las Vegas bar, accidentally seducing the hell out of a bachelorette who cannot resist his charms. Such is the power of Moose. And naturally, his girlfriend Camille is standing right behind him at exactly the wrong moment. Ouch!


41. The Entasis Job (Step Up Revolution)

Emily is inducted into The Mob and, since they don’t trust her yet, they make her dance lead in their latest flash mob at an impossibly fancy restaurant. Wait, what? How does that work? It doesn’t matter. It’s a great number with memorable moves and a stylish vibe.



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