All 92 ‘Step Up’ Movie Dance Sequences – RANKED


60. The Grim Knights in The Vortex (Step Up All In)

The Grim Knights are supposed to be upstaged by LMNTRIX in the final round of The Vortex, and the utter cheesiness of their routine reflects that, but there are still some highlights. Like the guy who apparently has no bones in his arms.


59. Wacky, Wacky Auditions (Step Up All In)

Getting paid to dance can be a humiliating experience, as the opening credits of Step Up All In prove. Unfortunately, they’re almost TOO humiliating, selling the point well and then turning it into a cutesy gag that wears out its welcome early.


58. Jam Session Memories (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Andie reflects on the real-life history of street dancing in a melodramatic but very respectful opening montage of classic moves.


57. Sean Whips His Hair Back and Forth (Step Up Revolution)

Wanna make your felonious hero seem cute and cuddly? Make him wrap a wifebeater around his head and recreate a Willow Smith music video with a little girl. Hey… it worked!


56. The Andie/Chase Rehearsal Parallel (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Andie suffers through exclusive one-on-one training with a dancing legend while Chase whips out all his best moves for no particular reason. It doesn’t really make sense but you can really feel Andie’s frustration with being forced to conform.


55. Chase in the Shadow of a Legend (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Chase shows off his best moves, only to be told by his brother to make them lamer. Again, the frustration is palpable, and the look on Chase’s face is pure fraternal sadness.


54. Tyler Takes Ballet (Step Up)

Damn it, this is just cute.


53. The Streets Montage (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Before our heroes can take on The Streets, we get a great look at all the colorful characters competing against them, and they’ve got some great moves.


52. Tyler & Nora’s First Rehearsal Montage (Step Up)

Oh my god, they’re starting to bond and it’s adorable.


51. MSA Improv (Step Up 2 The Streets)

Everyone freestyles at MSA, but Andie balks when she’s forced to dance to – GASP! – lame music! So she just does her old moves even though they clearly have nothing to do with the music she’s supposed to be interpreting. You know, there’s rebellion and then there’s just being stubborn, but then again that’s exactly the dramatic point Step Up 2 The Streets is trying to make.



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