Rockstar Appears to Be Readying a Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Remaster

If you missed out on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, or have been itching to play it again, you may be in luck. It appears that a re-release is planned by Rockstar Games. Since no official announcement has been made, it’s unclear what it’ll entail, but there are a few reasons we know for a fact something is going down.

For one, an achievement list has found its way online, and you can read it here. It’s detailed with achievement names and Gamerscores assigned. Neither of the digital versions on the PlayStation Store or Xbox Live Marketplace previously had achievements or trophies, so at the very least we know they’re being added.

Speaking of the digital versions, they have been pulled. While yesterday you could hop onto the PlayStation Store and buy a copy of San Andreas, the game is no longer available for purchase.

Lastly, there’s been an update to Steam that includes some adjustments to the file information of San Andreas. So, whatever is coming should be hitting more than just the console versions.

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These moves come just four days before the game’s 10-year anniversary. Since then it’s released on multiple platforms, even on iOS where a remastered version with an improved presentation and redesigned controls has been in production. Chances are this remaster has gone from being mobile only to being a large-scale production for several platforms. Surprisingly, Rockstar has managed to keep quiet despite the significance of the project.

Nothing is for certain yet, but given that San Andreas is one of the most well-received games of all-time, anything related to a re-release, maybe even for PS4 and Xbox One, will be met with open arms.


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