Video: Bungie Has Added a Secret Message in Destiny’s Loot Cave

Bungie has added a secret message in Destiny’s former loot cave.

The loot cave became a focal point of the issues raised by Destiny’s detractors, as it represented a huge flaw in the game’s leveling system. With players opting to sit outside the cave and kill hordes of respawning enemies in order to obtain Light-giving armor, rather than take to the game’s PVP and story missions, many raised the valid complaint that if Bungie’s loot system wasn’t so unforgiving then maybe players wouldn’t be lining up to grind a never ending waves of bad guys in order to acquire elusive Legendary engrams. 

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Most of this blame lay on the shoulders of the Cryptarch, the NPC who decrypts those engrams and turns them into equipment. Even if you rolled up to him with 10 Legendary engrams in your position, the confusing logic of the game dictated that you’d often be forced to settle with a Rare.

However, Bungie has now patched the Cryptarch so that he only hands over equipment that falls within the category of the engram he has been given, and the loot cave was patched out, too. As of the last patch, Bungie has also inserted a message into the loot cave, giving a sly nod to the Cryptarch’s reluctance to hand over valuable equipment.

The audio message, which can be triggered by walking into the cave and pressing Square/X to “Disturb the Remains”, says: “A million deaths aren’t enough for Master Rahool.” Master Rahool is the Cryptarch’s name, and the “million deaths” are seemingly in reference to the myriad of enemies killed in the hunt for engrams.

The hidden message is a fun little joke on Bungie’s behalf, though we’re very pleased that they patched the Cryptarch. Now let’s all try to forget how we spent so long camping in front of that cave.


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