Sunset Overdrive’s Live-Action Trailer is Fun and Vibrant, Just Like the Game

We’re about to head into October where one of the most personality-rich games of 2014 will debut: Sunset Overdrive. Crafted by Insomniac Games, a studio that has earned a strong reputation with gamers for its creativity and commitment to fun, it’s unlike any other. Vivid, energetic, and radical are just a few words that spring to mind when talking about Sunset Overdrive. It’s the kind of world that makes you wonder what it’d be like if it were our own.

Well, if Sunset Overdrive was real the world would be one  wacky place, as indicated by a brand-new live action trailer that has been released. It shows what Sunset Overdrive‘s Sunset City and its residents would look like if they were real. Hostiles are no laughing matter with their addiction to FizzCo energy drinks morphing them into enraged creatures, and the game’s protagonist isn’t afraid of building-to-building acrobatics and some sizable explosions. You can see it above.

Sunset Overdrive will be released exclusively for the Xbox One on October 28th.

**Brought to you by Sunset Overdrive**

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