If you’re in the mood for a horror game, look no further than the imminent release of Alien: Isolation. Forget everything you thought you knew about Alien video games. This is the first truly promising game from the IP, and one being developed by a talented studio. We’re excited, to say the least.
Arriving October 7th, Alien: Isolation is one of the biggest releases of Fall 2014. It has a unique gameplay style that focuses on the intensity of being hunted by an advanced alien life form. Are you scared yet?
Related: Interview with Sigourney Weaver on Alien: Isolation
If you’re wondering what this game is all about, look no further. Below we have a gallery full of all the information you need to know about Alien: Isolation.
Alien: Isolation - Everything You Need to Know
Alien: Isolation is set in 2137, which is precisely 15 years after the events of the first Alien film. You assume the role of Amanda Ripley, the daughter of Ellen Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver). She's a real character from the universe that was hinted in bonus material of Aliens' DVD release, and this is the first time she's made an appearance.
Amanda's main concern if finding her mother, or at the very least determining why she has disappeared. Your journey will include a lot of references to the film franchise, as well as development of Amanda's character as she searches for clues in one of the most dangerous environments imaginable.
Artificial intelligence unlike any other
The main focus of gameplay in Alien: Isolation comes in the form of interaction with the iconic Alien while it hunts you down. The Creative Assembly realized early on that the best way to make this simple concept suspenseful was to ensure that encounters weren't predictable. So, it began working on complex A.I. for the Alien.
Early demonstrations of the game have shown an Alien that is extremely dynamic in behavior. No two playthroughs are alike as this isn't a game that just has a bunch of pre-scripted events to terrify you. You'll need to always be on edge, wary of where the vicious monster lurks.
Made scarier, the Alien will become smarter as the game progresses, simulating its adaptation to your behavior. Early on it'll catch onto your sounds and smells, while later on it'll try to predict what you're going to do. Tread lightly.
Share a 12 hour journey with a strong cast
It has been stated that Alien: Isolation will be about 10 to 12 hours in length. However, it important to note that due to the Alien's dynamic design, each playthrough will be quite different. While on your first playthrough you might find yourself needing to crawl around slowly through the room as the Alien searches for you, next time there might not be an Alien present at that location at all.
During the journey, you'll meet up with several cast. These cast have been crafted in the likeness of their real-life voice actors, who are veterans in the industry. Interactions will be interesting, and at times emotional.
Tools and puzzles
Alien: Isolation is a very methodical game. A lot of the time you'll be carefully moving from room-to-room looking for clues while avoiding the deadly alien. There will be times where you'll be presented with an obstacle, though. To tackle these, you'll need to make use of Amanda's craftiness. She is able to scavenge for resources and use these to build tools and items for certain situations. Some of these items are best used to interact with the environment, but a few are good for stopping the Alien dead in its tracks. However, resources will be limited, so you'll want to be careful when you use tools as they aren't easily replaceable.
Yes, there are weapons
Let's be clear, there are weapons in Alien: Isolation, it's just that ammunition is scarce... very scarce. Finding weapons and/or ammunition will be worthy of celebration. Make sure you don't miss when you use them.
Early footage has shown a revolver, molotov cocktails, and even a flamethrower. Based upon the premise of the gameplay, these weapons won't kill the Alien, but will cause it to retreat. So, think of them as a 'get out of jail free card'.
Challenge Mode adds play value
There is no multiplayer in Alien: Isolation, but there is Challenge Mode.
Challenge Mode offers a variety of short missions that puts you against the clock as you try to complete a task. It's intense, and adds some play value to the experience.
Made by The Creative Assembly
Alien: Isolation is a bold project made by The Creative Assembly. This is a studio that has had great success over the past two decades, particularly with its Total War franchise.
The game was birthed from the development of a small game centered around the player being hunted by an Alien. Sega management loved it so much that it promptly put plans into motion to begin development of a full Alien title. With The Creative Assembly and some newly acquired Crytek staff at the helm, it looks promising.