You Can Clear Destiny’s Vault of Glass Raid in Under Two Hours

A video has surfaced on YouTube which shows user Ben Broman and some friends clearing Destiny‘s brand new Vault of Glass in 1 hour 50 minutes. This feat sets a worldwide record for completion time of the raid. You can see it above.

Clearing raids this quickly in Destiny requires a few things. For one, you and your team need great gear.The more powerful each individual is, the faster you kill enemies/bosses and more easily you can avoid setbacks from death. Additionally, communication is required. As with MMOs, focus targeting mobs and coordinating during bosses is essential to clean kills. There is no matchmaking in raids, so if you want to get ahead of the thousands of other teams out there you’re going to want to choose teammates that you have synergy with, preferably friends or experienced folks. 

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Bungie intended for raids to take much longer than two hours, but the most hardcore gamers always find a way to optimize runs. However, the fact that a speed run of this length was completed within five days of the raid opening up is a bit shocking. The first clear took a team 10 hours, after all.

More raids will be ushered to Destiny in the future through updates. For now, only one exists.