It’s mid-September, and that means a new FIFA is just around the corner. That begs the question: what’s new with this year’s installment?
As we saw with Madden NFL 15, EA Sports has gone back to the drawing board this year to make worthwhile adjustments to the formula of each sports title. FIFA 15 is no different. As you might suspect, it’ll be a more visually pleasing game, but there’s much more to it than that, extending as far as adjustment to the mechanics of goalkeepers.
There are many reasons FIFA 15 is a big improvement over last year’s release. We’ve outlined the major reasons why in the gallery below.
FIFA 15 - Everything You Need to Know
Improved controls and ball handling
Players in FIFA 15 are easier to control than ever before. Animations have been built for fluidity, making dribbling around defenders an exciting affair. You'll be able to dictate precisely how you handle the ball as you carve around defenders, presenting opportunity for you to exercise your soccer knowledge and skill.
The ball has also been given some attention. It now has complex spin physics, making contact with it, whether it be a goal shot or a block, result in realistic movement. You'll want to pay close attention to what angle the ball is hit at to make sure you get a jump on it.
Together, these improvements not only make FIFA 15 a game that feels great in the hands, but one that looks authentic.
Goalkeeper revitalized
Goalkeeper play has remained the same for many years. With FIFA 15, it changes in big ways.
For one, animations and control have been improved. For goalkeepers, who are very reliant on twitch-movement, this is a big move. A professional goalkeeper was brought in by EA specifically for motion capturing, meaning what you see in-game is a reflection of real body movements by a pro. You'll now see much more accurate dives, so some of those awkward goals seen in the past should be history.
The A.I. has been given a lot of attention, as such goalkeepers behave in a more realistic fashion. They'll track the ball like their real-world counterparts, and also occasionally make small but costly mistakes.
Visual overhaul
FIFA 15 is going to be a much better looking game than FIFA 14 or any of its other predecessors. Player models have high polygon counts, and there's an attention to detail throughout each arena. You'll quickly be happy you invested in a next-gen console—that is, if you play on PS4 or Xbox One.
Crowds are also much more vibrant than ever before. You'll hear cheers and chants throughout the course of games, just like in real life. Making a goal is more exciting than ever before.
Emotion exercised
A big part of sports, whether or not men want to admit it, is the emotion. There's a lot on the line in every game, even in the case of FIFA 15 where an online match doesn't affect your salary. Pride is everything.
EA is tapping into the emotion of soccer by bringing the players to life this year. Marketed as the first true next-gen FIFA game, FIFA 15 will have an army of animations. You'll see players share their feelings about plays and outcomes through their body language and facial expressions. In the case of big goals, you'll see explosive celebration, making your success or failure clearly visible in the game space.
Match Day Live
FIFA 15 will keep you rooted in the world of soccer with the new Match Day Live feature. Essentially, the game will have a hub where you can keep up with the latest news about whatever you're interested in the world of soccer. This will serve as a great way to keep up with scores in games you aren't watching, as well as staying in-the-know with big developments in the sport.
Manage your team
This year's FIFA will have new ways to manage your team. This comes in the form of a few options, including Team Sheets that let you build a strategy to counter your opponent. These will include formations, roles, and a variety of tactics to employ in Career Mode and Online matches. In the case of tactics, you'll have over a dozen options for setting up exactly how you want your players to move about the field. Do you want them to prioritize passes and defensive pressure? Or do you want to play it safe? The choice is up to you.
Ultimate Team has been improved
EA's Ultimate Team format has quickly become a fan favorite over recent years. This year's Ultimate Team has seen drastic improvement, both in terms of mechanics and in feature quantity.
The three major new features to note are Concept Squads, Friendly Seasons, and Loan Players.
Concept Squads offers an incredible amount of control over your roster. You can plan moves, and try out different player combinations to see how they work on the field.
Friendly Seasons is all about finding a friend to play FIFA 15 against, and participating in a full blown season. Your stats will be tracked, and you'll be able to pause and resume at your leisure.
Loan Players allows you to integrate big stars into your roster for a short period of time. With this, you'll be able to significantly impact your competitiveness in the next few games, and see if the player would be a good fit for your team.