Either European video game store GAME didn’t get the memo about Rise of the Tomb Raider releasing exclusively on the Xbox One or they’re playing an elaborate prank on their customers, as PS4 copies of the Xbox exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider are being sold on the site.
Also See: Microsoft Couldn’t Make Uncharted for Xbox, So They Stole Tomb Raider Instead
The upcoming sequel is currently available for pre-order on the site for £49.99, with both PS4 and Xbox One editions of the game being selectable. Microsoft and the game’s publisher Square Enix came under fire when they announced that they had signed an Xbox exclusivity deal, in order for Rise of the Tomb Raider to release on Xbox platforms exclusively for an undisclosed period of time. Thus far it has not been confirmed whether the game will eventually make its way to the PS4.

While we can only imagine that this is a mistake on GAME’s behalf, it’s a dash of salt in the wounds for PS4 owners who already hurting after the news that Square Enix has snubbed them in favor of Microsoft’s cold, hard cash.