We have just received our press kit for inFamous First Light, and have learned a little more about the game.
For one, First Light is advertised as having “4-5 hours of story campaign”. This content will let you assume control of Abigail “Fetch” Walker during emotionally challenging events prior to the inFamous: Second Son story. As a master of Neon powers, she will have some powerful weaponry to use against the opposition.
Although the story length is quite impressive for the price, which is $14.99, there’s more to the package than that, it has “hours of replayable arena combat”, which are essentially focused side missions that you compete for leaderboard space with. It’s not online multiplayer, but it’s the next best thing.
Sony’s Official inFamous First Light Facts
For those wondering, First Light‘s Photo Mode sports improvements to what was added to Second Son post-launch. It has “included three new filters and the ability to adjust the opacity of the filters.” If you like sharing screenshots, First Light will be a treat.
What may surprise you most is that even though First Light doesn’t require a copy of Second Son, there’s a platinum trophy to be earned. Sony wouldn’t allow that unless there was a good handful of content, so you can expect to see some great value from First Light.
inFamous First Light will be available on August 26th as a digital purchase.
inFamous First Light Official Facts
Fact #4
Both Fetch's ringtone and some of the music in the Curdun Cay Battle Arenas are from the original inFAMOUS game as homage to the franchise.
Fact #5
The record for highest score in a Battle Arena by a member of the Sucker Punch team is 20 million. Can you beat it?
Fact #6
In order to raise the bar with our cinematic storytelling, Sucker Punch's Rendering, Tech Art, Character, and Animation departments worked together for one month to develop "Crying Technology." It combines many different rendering and modeling techniques, along with hand animated tear drops.
Fact #1
There are 97 different challenges to complete in the game.
Fact #2
Fetch's snow footsteps were recorded in early March 2014 during a huge snowstorm east of Seattle near Snoqualmie Pass.
Fact #3
First Light features 30 songs from 6 independent local bands! You can hear them coming from Sonic Boom Records, from inside cars, and playing a live show inside the Irish Pub at night.