The Summer heat is still here, but at the very least video game releases are about to get a whole lot better.
It’s now August, and there are some solid video game choices for the month, especially if you’re into RPGs. There are a few games here that you may not be familiar with. If anything, that’s all the more reason to check them out.
Below you’ll find all the big video game releases of August 2014 in an easy to read gallery format.
August 2014 Video Game Release Calendar
August 5th - Sacred 3
The Sacred series celebrates its 10 year anniversary with a third action RPG installment this month. All new classes have been designed for the game, offering a fresh take on the leveling and combat experience.
Sacred 3 will have both local and online co-op play for up to four players, making it a solid choice for RPG fans who like to share their journey.
Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
August 5th - Ultra Street Fighter IV
Arriving alongside Sacred 3 is Ultra Street Fighter IV. Although it's already been released in arcade and digital forms, this is a complete package for gamers who want to join in on the competitive world of Street Fighter.
Ultra Street Fighter IV includes all the content of the original release in addition to six new stages, five new characters, and even some additions to gameplay, namely the Red Focus system which is a form of Focus move.
Platforms: PC (August 8th), PS3, Xbox 360
August 12th - Risen 3: Titan Lords
Risen 3: Titan Lords is Deep Silver's second release for the month, and similar to Sacred 3 it's an action RPG. However, Unlike Sacred 3 it's a single-player only experience. The benefit to that is it's more focused on delivering an epic story.
Platforms: PC, PS3, Xbox 360
August 19th - Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition
Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition is one serious package for fans of the franchise. Unlike Diablo 3 and it's first expansion, Reaper of Souls, which are separated on PC, Ultimate Evil Edition includes both in one package.
We had an absolute blast with Reaper of Souls on PC, and it's an integral addition to the latest Diablo. If you need a local co-op game, or just love action RPGs and want to play one on console, this is the game to look out for in August.
Platforms: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
August 19th - Tales of Xillia 2
The Tales series has established itself as one of the best modern RPG franchises. Tales of Xillia 2 carries on that high regard with a lengthy adventure filled with interesting characters and an entertaining combat system.
Tales of Xillia 2 is considered better than its predecessor by many Japanese gamers who have already played the game. It improves upon many of the systems while still remaining familiar. In other words, it's a solid choice for JRPG fans.
Platform: PS3
August 26th - inFamous: First Light
Unlike many expansion packs, First Light is a stand-alone expansion for inFamous: Second Son.
In First Light you get to control Fetch, one of the more intriguing characters in Second Son. You get to uncover some of her history, and use her powerful skillset.
If you enjoyed Second Son, First Light looks like a good way to revisit Seattle.
Platform: PS4
August 26th - Madden NFL 15
Many improvements to the Madden formula are being integrated into this year's release. Most prominent of these improvements is the restructuring of defensive play. EA has taken big steps to make playing as a cornerback, linebacker, or any other defensive position more enjoyable and rewarding.
A tackling cone has also been added, taken from NCAA Football 14 where it had a lot of success.
In a nutshell, if you love American Football, you're probably going to love Madden NFL 15.
Platforms: PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One
August 26th - Metro Redux
Metro Redux is the third big title releasing on the 26th. It's essentially a remastered version of Metro: Last Light, with next-gen graphical improvements and DLC included.
Metro: Last Light was probably my favorite first-person shooter of last year. If you missed it, this is a great chance to see what all the fuss was about, and experience it with noticeable improvements.
Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
August 29th - Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
If you're into puzzle games, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is looking like a hot buy.
The Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright series' have built quite a following over the years. While their gameplay is quite different, they're converging at the end of the month in a crossover that incorporates both puzzle solving and court procedure.
Platform: 3DS