Sunset Overdrive’s 8-Player Co-Op Looks Absolutely Amazing in New Trailer

If you’ve seen footage of Sunset Overdrive, chances are you’re aware of how hard it tries to be a fun game to play. What you might not know is that not only will it have online multiplayer, but it’ll support a full eight players in a lobby.

Chaos Squad is the name of the co-op game mode in Sunset Overdrive that allows for up to eight players to share its open world environment. In this mode you get to keep all your character progress from single-player to complete a variety of missions with teammates for rewards. These rewards not only include vanity items, but experience, so you can progress your character solely by playing online.

Related: Will Sunset Overdrive Be Better than inFamous?

Jumping from mission to mission involves voting, so each player in the group can help decide what to do next. The list of missions is quite lengthy, so there’s enough variety to keep players invested. Once you’ve knocked out a few missions your team will participate in Night Defense, which is a tower defense style mode with tons of traps used to fend off waves of enemies. It’s supposedly the highlight of the online experience.

It all sound great, but looks even better. In the video above Insomniac Games describes the content while showing raw footage. I’m particularly interested in the level of customization for the characters, and the incredibly long list of weapons. The only negative is the co-op is online only, so if you have a friend over you’ll have to take turns playing. Well, at least it has multiplayer unlike many other open-world games.

Sunset Overdrive will release on October 28th for Xbox One.


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