I’ve had a few people ask me throughout the past week what new games were announced at E3 2014. More specifically, people are wondering what exclusives Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo revealed at 2014’s biggest video game show. Given that there were dozens of huge games shown, and over a dozen of those were exclusives, the answer isn’t exactly concise.
I’ve decided to put together a list of all the games announced at E3 2014 that are console exclusive. Yes, that means a few are also on PC, but for the most part these are the big guns that the big three brought to this year’s E3 showdown.
Check out the gallery below to see a full list of exclusives announced at E3 2014.
E3 2014 New Exclusive Games
An ex-Journey art director helpd found Giant Squid, a studio that will debut with the PS4 exclusive ABZU. ABZU is an adventure game that will have players explore the ocean and its rich environments.
Developer: Giant Squid
Platform(s): PS4
Bloodborne (PS4)
Bloodborne is the next game from the creators of the Souls series. It looks to adjust the award-winning formula with a faster-paced combat system, and an emphasis on ranged weapons.
Developer: From Software
Platform(s): PS4
Related: Bloodborne Gameplay
Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4)
Grim Fandango was an extraordinary game, and it's making a comeback on the PS4 and Vita next year. It's just about the only game you can label with the 'dark comedy neo-noir adventure' tag, so if you haven't played the original, then you're in for something new.
Developer: Double Fine
Platform(s): PS4, PS Vita
LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)
Sackboy is back, this time with three new friends. With all-new gameplay mechanics introduced to the franchise, LittleBigPlanet 3 will undoubtedly be the best local multiplayer experience in the universe yet.
Developer: Sumo Digital
Platform(s): PS4, PS3
Related: LittleBigPlanet 3 Preview
Let It Die (PS4)
Suda 51 is known for some insane creations, and Let It Die continues that heritage. Its reveal trailer showed a dark and gruesome game that you won't soon forget.
Developer: Grasshopper
Platform(s): PS4
Related: Let It Die Trailer
Magicka 2 (PS4)
Magicka is coming back with more humor than ever before. This iteration is sure to be a go-to local multiplayer game for those who enjoy dungeon crawlers.
Developer: Pieces Interactive
Platform(s): PS4, PC
Crackdown (Xbox One)
Crackdown is a series that knows how to deliver an open-world environment and make it fun to interact with. Crackdown on Xbox One will have larger environments than ever before, and supposedly the best combat system yet.
Developer: Cloudgine
Platform(s): Xbox One
Related: Crackdown Debut Trailer
Dance Central Spotlight (Xbox One)
The Xbox One is quickly turning into the go-to place for workouts and dancing. Dance Central Spotlight is looking to teach new moves to those willing to dance in front of their television. Make sure to bring a friend so you can laugh at each other.
Developer: Harmonix
Platform(s): Xbox One
Halo: The Master Chief Collection (Xbox One)
Four games, $60. This collection includes Halo: Combat Evolved through Halo 4, all remastered in 1080p with 60FPS. Made better, Halo 2 is getting some anniversary treatment and in and of itself warrants a purchase for anyone remotely interested in the Halo universe.
Developer: 343 Industries
Platform(s): Xbox One
Related: Halo Collection Map List
Inside (Xbox One)
The makers of LIMBO are back with another dark adventure, this time with 3D environments in a game called Inside. You will play as a child who has lost his mind, interpreting things differently than those around him.
Developer: Playdead Studios
Platform(s): Xbox One timed exclusive
Related: Inside Debut Trailer
Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox One)
Ori and the Blind Forest is the result of Microsoft's ID@Xbox system, which has successfully attracted Moon Studios. It's a beautiful platforming game with a lot of tricks up its sleeve.
Developer: Moon Studios
Platform(s): Xbox One, PC
Related: Ori and the Blood Forest Trailer
Phantom Dust (Xbox One)
The original Phantom Dust has become a cult classic over the years, resulting in many requesting a next-gen iteration of the game. Sure enough, Microsoft is currently in the middle of production for an Xbox One release of one of the most unique games on the Xbox platform. With a solid mix of action and strategy, it has a little something for everyone.
Developer: Microsoft Game Studios
Platform(s): Xbox One
Scalebound (Xbox One)
Platinum Games is trying a swing at the Monster Hunter formula with Scalebound. You'll hunt huge monsters and acquire powerful gear in this action game.
Developer: Platinum Games
Platform(s): Xbox One
Related: Scalebound Debut Trailer
Shape Up (Xbox One)
The Xbox One's Kinect has some powerful functionality that has only really been tapped into by Xbox Fitness. Ubisoft wants to see what they can do with it by developer Shape Up, a fitness game that takes physical fitness and makes it competitive yet fun.
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Platform(s): Xbox One
Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U)
Toad is getting his own next-gen game, and it looks like a ton of fun. Captain Toad will involve plenty of puzzles and the colorful visuals you've come to expect from a Wii U game.
Developer: Nintendo
Platform(s): Wii U
Mario Maker (Wii U)
Have you ever wanted to make your own Mario level? In Mario Maker, you're given an array of assets from classic Mario games so you can create and share some truly imaginative levels that you've made with your own hands.
Developer: Nintendo
Platform(s): Wii U
Splatoon (Wii U)
Splatoon is Nintendo's take on third-person shooters. You and your team will battle to cover the landscape with as much paint as possible, and get in scuffles with others while you do it.
Developer: Nintendo
Platform(s): Wii U
Star Fox (Wii U)
Little is known of this game other than the fact that it's not coming out for a while. But it's Star Fox. We're excited.
Developer: Nintendo
Platform(s): Star Fox
Related: Star Fox Leaked
The Legend of Zelda (Wii U)
Arguably the most talked about game of the show, The Legend of Zelda Wii U didn't have to show or say a lot to get gamers amped up. With a larger emphasis on open-world exploration than the series has seen in the past, this could be one heck of an adventure.
Developer: Nintendo
Platform(s): Wii U
Related: Zelda Screenshots and Trailer