Today marks the official launch of WildStar, but early start players have been playing for three days. Those three days, for the most part, have been outstanding. However, overpopulation of particular servers has resulted in incredibly long queues, some of which extend beyond three hours. Thankfully, Carbine is all over it.
Free server transfers are now available for players on high population realms. The following are the options for NA and EU players:
- Pergo to Rowsdower
- Pago to Rowsdower
- Widow to Rowsdower
- Stormtalon to Mikros
- Caretaker to Orias
- Hazak to Contagion
- Hazak to Gaius
- Hazak to Deadstar
- Progenitor to Deadstar
- Treespeaker to Gaius
- Ascendancy to Archon
This migration will spread players among the existing realms, allowing for populations to stabilize. Presumably, populations will expand today with the official release of WildStar. Carbine Studios will add servers as necessary.
But Carbine hasn’t stopped there. A new patch with build #6714 has been pushed to the servers. Among what’s included is “game performance and graphics optimization”, something many players have shown interest in (including myself).
Below are the patch notes:
- Factional restrictions have been removed from the realm PvP rule-set. In essence, you may now create both Exile and Dominion characters on the same PvP-flagged realm!
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause an “infinite loading screen” on particularly busy realms.
- Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent a Boom Box from being claimed.
- Anachrondax will no longer grant experience points when slain.
- The Meteor Crater FABkit has had its level reduced to 8.
- Fixed a bug with the “guest” realm queue.
- Fixed a bug with the realm queue, which under rare conditions, could cause it to stop functioning.
- Added video.framerateMax console variable which can be used to adjust the maximum allowed framerate.
- Switched to using raw mouse data for relative mouse movement. This will allow users with high-precision mice to look and turn much more accurately.
- Fixed a performance problem which would have affected users using Windows 7 running in non-Fullscreen Exclusive mode.
- Fixed a remaining UI bug where players who had purchased the game were being shown as a “guest” in realm queue.
- Improved overall game performance and graphics optimization.
Depending on how much performance has been improved, Carbine could have very well just fixed every major issue during head start, and just in-time for launch day. Impressive.
You can read more about the server transfers, including required conditions, on the official forum.