You Can Get an Xbox One with Kinect for $399 Right Now

Are you waiting for the Xbox One kinect-less $399 SKU to drop before you invest in Microsoft’s latest console? Why do that if you can pay the same price and get a Kinect?

Micro Center is currently selling a standard Xbox One console for $399.99. This bundle includes the Xbox One, Xbox One Controller, and a Kinect, but no games.

This offer is only valid in-store, but you can check online to see if any are available in your area. To do so, go to the Xbox One page and then select a location on the drop-down box under ‘Xbox One Console System’. In my case, it says there are 5 in stock at Orange County/Tustin Micro Center.

If there are none in your area, there’s a chance other stores will be clearing inventory. It’s worth calling Target, Walmart, and other retailers to see if they’ll do a similar offer.

In just a couple weeks there will be a $399 Xbox One SKU that includes the console but no Kinect. If you’re not a fan of voice controls or motion sensing technology, it’s a solid choice. If you decide later that you’d like to add the Kinect to your entertainment center, then you’ll have that option.