Report: YouTube Just Acquired Twitch for $1 Billion

It’s been a huge week for video game rumors, but none of the others can touch this megaton.

According to several sources, Google subsidiary YouTube has acquired Twitch for $1 billion U.S. dollars.

If true, this would put Twitch on the map like never before, becoming one of only a small handful of acquisitions that Google has made over the years. Oculus VR’s $2 billion buyout was the most recent, and became a high-target headline for weeks.

We reached out to Twitch, to which they had no comment. However, if sources are correct, this news will be made public in short order, supposedly within hours.

Twitch has grown in popularity since its introduction in June 2011, and exploded with its introduction into the console and mobile space. It is now has traffic that puts it in top 200 in the United States and top 300 globally. It’s monetized through ads, which are likely Google AdSense, as well as a subscription system which it integrates into partnered channels to share a cut.

YouTube has recently moved into the live streaming space, allowing for users to create live broadcasts similar to Twitch. While popular, it hasn’t taken off like Twitch has.

Given Google’s hands-off approach over the years with its acquisitions, chances are Twitch wouldn’t be impacted too heavily by an acquisition.

Twitch Oculus streaming in-bound?

[Via: Variety]


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