Sony released its first major update post-launch update for the PS4 in the form of Update 1.7. It introduced several key improvements to the PS4 experience, most notable of which is the introduction of Share Factory. In Share Factory users are able to edit and upload custom videos using a powerful set of video-editing tools and effects. Despite its young age, there are already some outstanding videos, funny and serious, all over the web.
Below are our five favorite Share Factory videos.
5. PS4 Montage
Here’s a little taste of what it’s like to play PS4. Except, well, you’ll have to bring your own Queen CD.
4. Infamous: Second Son (A Song of Storm and Fire)
An epic video full of gorgeous InFamous: Second Son footage.
3. Metal Gear Batman – 1960’s style
It’s amazing what sound effects and a little editing can do.
2. Gilligan’s Creed
Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale…
1. Metal Gear Solid V: Epic
Who would have ever known Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes could be this funny?