It’s been interesting watching Wolfenstein evolve over the years. More than two decades ago it released Wolfenstein 3D, for which it has been credited with inventing the first-person shooter genre. In a way, it’s partially responsible for making video games what they are today.
Since that time the series has had several releases spanning many platforms, always staying true to its nature. This month, it adds to that list with its first next-gen release: Wolfenstein: The New Order.
To help equip you for The New Order‘s release on May 20th, we’ve constructed a list of its more important details. Check them out in the gallery below.
Wolfenstein: The New Order: Everything You Need to Know
Stunning eye-candy
The New Order has been visually impressive since its announcement in early 2013. Running on id Tech 5, it's a game that could become a real showpiece for next-gen hardware.
The PC system requirements were recently released, and they are exactly what you'd expect from a game trying to push boundaries. In the case of the next-gen console versions, the game will require a 47GB install. For the Xbox 360, that means there will be a full four discs in the game box.
Take that for what you will, but The New Order isn't the kind of game you're going to think could look a little better.
William B.J. Blazkowicz is back, and so are his Nazi foes
William B.J. Blazkowicz has been the hero in Wolfenstein since 1992. Reminiscent of Doom's unnamed space marine, he's a big, macho son of a gun that can take out armies of enemies. Considering this is Wolfenstein, that means those enemies will be ferocious Nazis.
In The New Order, the Nazi Third Reich won World War 2, and B.J. isn't too happy about that. You'll be able to vent some of your frustration as a highly potent killing machine.
Stealth or mayhem? You decide
Wolfenstein has a long history of letting players unleash their violent nature, but The New Order will mix things up a little by supporting stealth. Assassination moves, silencers, and realistic A.I. provide a platform for players who get a thrill out of strategically taking out installments of enemies rather than going ape-shi* with an arsenal of guns.
You can see Stealth vs Mayhem in action in this trailer released by Bethesda.
Pre-orders are guaranteed entry into Doom 4's beta
Doom 4 exists, and you will be able to play it before launch provided you pre-order Wolfenstein: The New Order. To some, that's reason alone to purchase the game.
The only negative side to this news is the Doom 4 beta won't be available until "sometime after release". Hopefully that doesn't mean 2015, because we're itching for some Doom.
Single-player only
Wolfenstein has always been single-player centric, and The New Order is no different. Not only is campaign the focus of this latest installment, but there's no multiplayer to speak of. While that means you won't be able to use your deadly skills against other players, it also means 100% of development effort went into the campaign.
The campaign is said to be 15 to 20 hours in length, and there will be extras, collectibles, and more to beef up the play value.
Set in the 1960s with advanced technology
When you start The New Order it's made clear that you're living on a planet Earth during the 1960s which has been dominated by the Nazi regime. If you're familiar with Nazi technology, you're aware that their leadership had a lot of aspiration for futuristic weapons. This serves as the basis for incorporating weapons and technology that could be considered impressive even in our 2014 world.
Technology in The New Order includes immensely powerful weapons that you can carry in your hands, as well as bi-pedal walkers, which you'll have to battle many of throughout your Wolfenstein journey.