Choosing a class to play in an MMO is never an easy task. I know I find myself researching for hours deciding on which to commit to. Considering you usually end up pouring hundreds of hours into playing a character, it’s not all for nothing.Part of choosing a class is making sure you’ll like how you’ll look. Nobody wants to grind for dozens of hours for a set or armor and weapon that looks lame, right? Thankfully, WildStar has outstanding artists working on its PvP and PvE tier sets, and we have video proof of that.
There’s a new video published by Readycheck which shows the Tier 1 and Tier 2 PvP sets for every class outside of Medic—sorry, Medics. If you’re as excited as I am for WildStar, you’ll want to check this out.
Here are the timings for where each class shows up in the video if you don’t want to sit through all 29 minutes:
Warrior: 00:17
Engineer: 06:57
Stalker: 13:02
Spellslinger: 19:18
Esper: 25:11
Medic: Not available
Which do you think looks the coolest? I think the Esper Tier 2 set looks the coolest. Let us know what you think in the comments below.