Speaking to WorldsFactory, Daylight developer Zombie Studios shared its experience with developing for the PS4, and what they think of its Compute capabilities.
Properly utilizing Compute shader functionality can certainly add a lot of life to a game, and as developers mature with the new hardware we should expect massive gains from offloading highly parallel tasks from the CPU to the GPU.
The PS4’s GPU Compute has 64 asynchronous sources. For comparison’s sake, the Xbox One has four. This compute allows for incredible multitasking and non-graphics calculations such as A.I. and physics. Some developers, such as Crytek, foresee Compute as the future of console gaming.
Designer of the PS4 Mark Cerny has gone on record to say that it won’t be until three or four years into the PS4’s lifecycle that we’ll really see what it’s capable of. If inFamous: Second Son is only a small taste of what’s to come, then there’s plenty of reason to be excited.