Dark Souls 2 Developer From Software Has Been Bought Out

Dark Souls 2 developer From Software has been bought out by Japanese publisher Kadokawa. 

The games publisher, which has been responsible for publishing games such as Suda51’s Lollipop Chainsaw along with developing its own titles such as Natural Doctrine, has purchased 80 percent of From Software’s stock. The deal is set to be finalized on May 21st. 

According to a report from SiliconEra, From Software has stated that moving from an independent developer to now being a part of the Kadokawa group will offer them a number of advantages. From Software’s CEO Naotoshi Zin said that there are three key reasons behind the developer with the acquisition, which are as follows:

  • To further expand platforms. Everything from simple hardware to cloud network.
  • The requirement to better correspond to regions (more global, more local).
  • The coalescence between content.

Dark Souls 2 has recently been released on PC where it has had a rocky start, with the game failing to launch for many players. A number of workarounds were posted on Steam, which you can view here, though an official patch has yet to be issued.


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