Carbine Adds Another Beta Weekend to WildStar’s Schedule

WildStar‘s most successful beta weekend yet has come to a close. Hundreds of thousands of gamers participated in the weekend, creating an avalanche of buzz about this year’s biggest MMORPG, and providing some feedback for Carbine Studios during the testing process. Although the next beta weekend, which will also be the last, was supposed to be in two weeks, another weekend has been added between now and then.

Below is the message Carbine Studios has sent out regarding the new beta weekend:

If you already have participated in beta, you’ll be able to play this weekend as well. If not, hopefully more beta keys will be given out. We ran out of our 10,000 codes within 36 hours. Maybe that gives you an idea of just how interested in WildStar people are.

As stated in the announcement, the next beta weekend will run from April 25th at 16:00 CEST until April 28th at 8:59 CEST. A new build should be available meaning it’ll run a bit better than this last weekend, while still letting you enjoy the new user interface and character creation options. More importantly, some new content will be available in this coming beta weekend. Not only will the level cap be raised from 20 to 25, but new features including the following will be available:

  • New Adventure – Northern Wilds Adventure is a MOBA style group content experience for you and four of your buddies. Take over the whole map and destroy the enemy base to win, but watch out for the defending faction… they’ll viciously fight to win so come prepared to kick ass.
  • Whitevale – The Dominion version of Alcatraz, Invading Alien scientists (…that dissect anything that moves), and a sunken ship filled with treasure hungry Marauders are waiting for your arrival. Oh… and a nuclear teraformer explosion has unleashed brain controlling squid on the Exile and Dominion military forces. No big deal.
  • Hoverboards – Like hoverboarding? Duh. Of course you do. Get your hoverboard at a mount vendor in the capital city!
  • Abilities and AMPs – Get new abilities to put in your Limited Action Set so you can continue to customize the way you destroy baddies, and unlock more perks in our AMP system.
  • Unlock more clues to the history of the Eldan – Where did this hyper-advanced race go? What kind of technology and secrets are out there? Where can you get a solid space fish taco on Nexus? Get out there and find out, Spanky.

Check out these images of the newly available beta features in the gallery below:

If you’re tired of beta and just want to play the official release, WildStar‘s early start begins for pre-orders on May 31st. That’s not too far away!


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