PS4 1.7 Update Adds New Sharing Options, HDCP Disable

The PS4’s next update has been detailed by Sony, offering some insight into what’s next for PS4 owners.

According to PlayStation Blog, the PS4’s 1.7 update will add a few new options for those of you who enjoy sharing content with others. For one, there will be an option to disable auto-record. Currently, when you press the Share button on the PS4 controller it takes a screenshot and begins recording video footage whether or not you want it to. As a result of this, a lot of storage is eaten up by mistakenly recorded content, which then needs to be painstakingly deleted manually.

Made better, if you want to record video footage but don’t want to record a full 15 minute block, there will be an option to define how long you’d like to record. If you only want to share 30 seconds like Xbox One users, then you can do so.

These two options culminate in a much better sharing experience, but there’s another feature that’s being included in 1.7: HDCP disable. Yes, you’ll finally be able to get rid of that pesky content protection. An option will be added to the settings menu to disable it outright.

There are some other little things being incorporated into the update including friends list stability. Stay tuned for the scoop as the 1.7 update is confirmed to arrive “soon”.


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