inFamous: Second Son Breaks 1 Million Sales Mark in 9 Days

inFamous: Second Son has become one of the PS4’s best-sellers by selling one million units in just nine days. It had a worldwide launch on March 21st, giving PS4 owners around the world a chance to experience an open-world next-gen game. With just under seven million PS4s in consumer hands, the attachment rate is roughly 1:6, an impressive feat.

This achievement propels inFamous: Second Son to the #2 best seller slot in the PS4 library, behind Killzone: Shadow Fall, the only other game to similarly break the one million sales milestone.

The PS4’s strong software sales early in the generation is an encouraging sign for developers. It shows the healthy install base of the platform, something which is critical in maintaining developer support.

Our review of inFamous: Second Son can be read here.


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