Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls Sales Surpass 2.7 Million Units in First Week

Blizzard has announced that Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls pushed 2.7 million units during its first week on the market. That number accounts for roughly one-fifth of the total Diablo 3 playerbase, and less than half of the 6.2 million that the original achieved in the same time frame.

Diablo 3 has had a tumultuous existence, recently propelling itself to widespread acclaim following the 2.0 patch. After reading many posts on forums and Reddit, I’m convinced that a fair portion of these Reaper of Souls sales are a result of the 2.0 patch.

I’m a huge fan of Reaper of Souls, and rewarded it handsomely with a 9.0 score in my review. If you’re still on the edge about purchasing Diablo 3‘s first expansion, be sure to give it a read.

A console version of Reaper of Souls is currently undergoing development. Named Diablo 3: Ultimate Evil Edition, it will merge Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls and bring both to next-gen platforms.


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