inFamous: Second Son Boosts PS4 Sales, Outsold by Titanfall

According to a trusted source of MCV—and they’ve been reliable in the past—PS4 hardware sales have been boosted a full 106% since the release of inFamous: Second Son. Supply constraints may have prevented that number from being even more significant.

According to MCV’s Joe Anderson, this figure sits around the same performance as Titanfall, which arrived earlier in the month. However, Titanfall‘s higher attachment ratio has given it higher software sales, at least for now.

All this said, it’s important to note that these statistics only include the UK. Sales in North America will be detailed in March 2014’s NPD.

inFamous: Second Son is the first post-launch testament to the PS4’s power, offering owners a chance to see visuals unlike ever seen before on a console. This ‘tech demo’ quality makes it a key release for Sony’s 2014 lineup.

You can read our review of inFamous: Second Son here to see what we thought of the game.


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