Titanfall Patch Will Likely be Released to Improve 792p Resolution

Titanfall has launched with a resolution of 792p, though Respawn has said that they’ll likely release a patch to improve it.

Speaking to Eurogamer, Respawn’s lead engineer Richard Baker said: “We’re going to experiment. The target is either 1080p non-anti-aliased or 900p with FXAA. We’re trying to optimise… we don’t want to give up anything for higher res. So far we’re not 100 per cent happy with any of the options, we’re still working on it. For day one it’s not going to change. We’re still looking at it for post-day one. We’re likely to increase resolution after we ship.”

As mentioned by Crave Online‘s Jonathan Leack, many are complaining that Titanfall is suffering from some framerate issues despite its relatively timid resolution output. 792p isn’t far off the 720p resolution the Xbox 360 was able to display games at, so that Titanfall is struggling whilst displaying a slightly higher resolution is a little troubling, as it’s hardly a graphically intensive game. Hopefully the patch will clear up a few issues.

In other Titanfall news, publisher EA has apologized for the Error 503 message PC gamers are experiencing when trying to boot up the game via its Origin service. They are said to be working hard on fixing that issue, along with righting the other teething issues the game has been experiencing since its launch. Read EA’s apology here.