The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Key Giveaway #2!

It wasn’t long ago that we gave away 10,000 beta keys for The Elder Scrolls Online. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to grab a key, so we’ve decided to one up that with the help of Bethesda.

We’re now giving away a total of 20,000 codes for The Elder Scrolls Online‘s closed beta. This isn’t just an opportunity for you to play this year’s biggest MMO launch for free before it arrives, it’s a chance to offer invaluable feedback to Bethesda as it irons out kinks before launch. Even if you choose not to submit feedback, you logging in and playing helps stress test the servers.

You can obtain a code by clicking the button below:

Once you have a key, read the details regarding when the next beta weekend starts in addition to key redemption details:

  • The beta event will run from Friday, March 14, 12:00pm ET – Sunday, Mar 16, 11:59pm ET.
  • You’ll use this unique key to register your beta account. Please make sure you don’t leave extra spaces in front of the code if copying/pasting.
  • Create your account by visiting
  • Once you’ve finished creating and verifying your account, click “Redeem Key” button on the main My Account Page to register your beta key.
  • When the process is complete, you’ll be able to download the game client from your Account Page.
  • Use the username and password you registered to login and play the game.
  • If you’ve participated in a previous beta event, you will automatically have access to this weekend’s event and do not need to use a new key.

To be clear, this beta is for the PC version only. The Xbox One and PS4 versions are expected to similarly be playable before their anticipated release window of June 2014.


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