Yesterday’s Watch Dogs release date announcement was accompanied by a story trailer that left a bad taste in a lot of mouths. As concerning as it might be, Ubisoft is confident that gamers won’t be disappointed once they get their hands on the game.
Ubisoft PR & event manager Tessa Vilyn has voiced her high regards for Watch Dogs via Twitter, as indicated by her initial Tweet as follows:
Bit bummed about some people not liking the graphics of the #Watchdogs trailer! I saw the game guys and it looks INCREDIBLE! #promise
Vilyn received a lot of Twitter comments which she hastily responded to with:
@BromeoGaming you’ll see in the coming months that it will give you what you expect from it.. #Promise
@Markusstoltz @YaraskyGaming it is impossible, of couse it is not downgraded at all. 🙂
@jayxchu its a true next gen game for sure… for sure..
@ManaByte Jeremy, i was in montreal, i saw the game, i played the game… people who know me, know i dont make false promises.
For reference, here are the two comparison gifs that everyone is talking about:

There’s a very clear difference between what was promised at the game’s reveal and what is being shown just a couple of months before release. Truthfully, much of this is due to a high-end PC being employed during the 2012 demo to showcase the game and build as much hype as possible. Although the PS4 and Xbox One are by no means weak, they can’t compete with that level of hardware.
Even then, what is being shown here is far from maxing out the capabilities of next-gen consoles. If anything, it looks like the sort of job that would be the result of developing on last-gen hardware first.
Sadly, Watch Dogs was delayed late last year, a move that was recently described as being the result of the game “not being fun to play”. Ubisoft has tackled the fun factor, but does it have enough time to polish the presentation? We hope so.