Metal Gear Solid V Branded Clothing and Shoes Hit the Market

Excited for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes? Want to show that off to your friends and family? Now you can wear wear it with pride.

Puma has put together a line of Metal Gear Solid V licensed jackets and shoes. They bear the emblem of the Diamond Dogs, the elite mercenary unit Big Boss heads during the length of the Ground Zeroes campaign.

The set of products include two jackets, two pairs of shoes, and a Wired watch. Their cost in Yen is equal to between $150 to $215 per item. Ouch!

Check out the gallery below to see what they look like:

There are also Limited Edition bundles that include the game with one of the two track jackets so gamers can walk out of the game shop with entertainment and fashion.

I happen to think the items don’t look half bad, but that price point is insanity. We saw something similar from Japan with a Resident Evil 6 leather jacket which cost $1300. Yeah, I think I’ll stick to wearing clothing that doesn’t cost as much as a round trip flight to Hawaii.


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