The Big List: Sochi Olympics Vs. Reporters! Ice-T Vs. D&D!

Time to get a gig recording audio voice overs, get told it’s just 25 pages of work – should be done in four hours, go to the studio, start reading this Dungeons & Dragons book, get frustrated trying to read all the make-believe words, watch as hours turn to days, learn to hate D&D so much and check out these links!


Sochi Olympics Off To Rough Start Before They Even Begin

Don’t be a fool. Those light bulbs could get you at least TWO doorhandles or an ice bucket!


The Highlights From Bill Nye’s Debate With Creationist Ken Ham

Is the Earth only 6000 years old? There’s a good book that answers all these questions. It’s called Taken By The T-Rex.


Ice-T Finds Recording Dungeons & Dragons Audiobook ‘Impossible’,0,3370890.story#axzz2sZBcViL3

Neeeeeerds,” he added.


Lay’s ‘Do Us A Flavor’ Campaign Lets People Create Their Own Flavors, And It Goes Exactly As Expected

Mmm… Toad Chips…


Aaron Sorkin Penned A Chilling Obituary For Philip Seymour Hoffman

Taken before his time. R.I.P.


That’s all for this this evolved edition of The Big List!


Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.