With Dark Souls 2 right around the corner (March, to be exact) many are eagerly anticipating the launch of the sequel to undoubtedly one of the best games of all time.
Dark Souls‘ lore is so surprisingly deep that it’s likely that there are still odd bits of trivia that we still don’t know about yet, with developer From Software doing a great job of keeping fans talking about it long after they’d completed the uncompromisingly difficult game.
Here are a selection of weird Dark Souls facts that you probably didn’t know about. Feel free to share your own pieces of Dark Souls trivia in the comments section below.
Weird Dark Souls Facts You Probably Didn't Know
You can avoid several bosses.
This fact is likely known to experienced Dark Souls players, but some of you who haven't sinked hour upon hour into the game likely didn't know that there are a few bosses that you can skip right by without having to fight them.
The Taurus and Capra Demons can be avoided by either choosing the Thief class or choosing the Master Key as your Gift in the character creation, while the Centipede Demon and Demon Firesage can both be bypassedif you're a high-ranking member of the Chaos Servant Covenant. The more you know.
Demon's/Dark Souls are the spiritual successors to King's Field.
Everyone knows that Dark Souls is the spiritual successor to Demon's Souls, but it isn't widely known that both games are also spiritiual successors of developer From Software's 1994 PlayStation game King's Field.
King's Field was never published outside of Japan, though was released on the PlayStation Network in 2007. Unlike Demon's/Dark Souls, it places players in a first-person perspective as they journey through a similarly fantasy medieval setting.
The largest connection that King's Field has to the Souls games is Seath the Scaleless, who appears in King's Field as Seath the White Dragon, a good guy (or good dragon) as opposed to the one you fight in Dark Souls. According to Dark Souls lore, Seath's transition from good to evil occured because he was "driven insane during his research on the Scales of Immortality, which he could never obtain."
Londo's Banshees are former martyrs holding their babies.
In Dark Souls lore, New Londo was formerly a city that was flooded in order to prevent the Abyss and Darkwraithes from spreading throughout the world. During your journey in Dark Souls, you can encounter two Banshees in the New Londo Ruins, both of whom are clutching babies. These Banshees are actually two of the ghosts who haunt the ruins, vengeful due to their terrible past and tragically holding on to their deceased offspring.
Oscar, the Knight of Astora, had a more prominent role initially.
Oscar, the Knight of Astora who gives you the dungeon key at the very start of Dark Souls and also gives you the Estus flask prior to him going Hollow, was initially intended to have a much more prominent role according to unused dialogue in the game's files.
Oscar was seemingly intended to help the player in Darkroot Garden, and was also going to fight the player during the story. However, in the finished game Oscar's role was much smaller, with you only able to fight his Hollow form once you return to the Undead Asylum.
Dark Souls was originally called...
The silliest little-known fact regarding Dark Souls is that it was originally intended to be called Dark Ring, but the name was changed when developer From Software learned that the phrase was a euphemism for an anus.
They then went on to try to call it Dark Race, which would've opened up a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Fortunately, they finally settled on Dark Souls, which was better for everyone's sake.