Insurgency Brings Realism Back to the Shooter Genre; Trailer Released

In 2007 shooter fans were greeted by what would become the best Source Mod of 2007: Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat. Around that time, arcade-style shooters like Call of Duty were all the rage. Counter-Strike veterans, along with the hundreds of thousands who enjoyed Red Orchestra, finally could take advantage of their patient shooter instincts.

It’s been a long time since then, and now Insurgency is here. Labeled with the same name minus the sub-title, it’s essentially a modernized version of the original with many extra features. That doesn’t mean it’s been casualized, though. Nope, far from it. If you run around thinking you can take everyone down like Rambo you’ll find yourself dead and with an embarrassing KDR. Instead, you’re encouraged to play tactfully and with as much communication with teammates as possible. Think of it as the shooter version of Football or Soccer.

So yes, this is the type of game aimed at a smaller audience, but that audience used to be millions of people. Lots of gamers say that the heart of FPS has been lost due to mainstream. Well, Insurgency hasn’t taken any cues. If that sounds interesting, then you can pick it up now on Steam for $13.49.

A trailer also came out today. You can see it below:

Insurgency is available now for $13.49 on Steam.