Guerrilla Games has opened the lid on its two upcoming maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall. Sticking to its promise, both will be delivered for free to everyone who owns a copy of the game.
The first map is The Cruiser. Its tight corridors will be great for shotgun and sub-machine gun users. The entire level is housed within a decommissioned ISA cruiser taken from Chapter 3 of Killzone: Shadow Fall‘s campaign. Hot spots built for intense firefights are interconnected by hallways that are suspect for grenade spam.

The second map is called The Hangar. As its name suggests, it’s based in a Helghan hangar bay where they perform mining operations. There’s a lot of machinery to use for cover, and consequently a lot of corners to check.

No release date has been set, but Guerrilla Games’ post on the PlayStation Blog suggests the wait won’t be long.