Bravely Default Shows Why It’s Hyped in Class Trailer

Our resident RPG connoisseur Joey Davidson has had a lot of good to say about the Nintendo 3DS’ upcoming exclusive Bravely Default. He isn’t alone, either. Since its demo released just weeks ago tons of gamers have taken the enlightening trip back to the JRPG golden days with the benefits of modern game philosophy and hardware.

Some gamers are skeptical despite the overwhelming praise, and reasonably so. The JRPG genre has been inconsistent and at times troubling for the past few years. This game is worth making an exception, though.

A new trailer for Bravely Default offers just a small taste of its delectable class system. If you enjoyed Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy V, or heck, even Final Fantasy X-2, you’ll love what this system has to offer. The joy of unlocking new, potent classes and tuning your party to your playing style is something Bravely Default will be very good at. Since it’s a Square Enix developed and published game a lot of its terminology and design will be familiar, too. Do you love the blessings of a White Mage? How about the power of a Summoner? It’s all here.

See below for the class trailer:

Bravely Default will arrive exclusive for the Nintendo 3DS on February 7th. A demo which will carry over your progress is available now on the Nintendo eShop.


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