GTA Online Tackles Character Deletion with v1.03 Update

Rockstar is busy cranking out patches for GTA Online in an effort to bring stability to its ambitious multiplayer title. Today, it takes one step toward its dream of not receiving thousands of complaints per hour.

In response to user comments regarding character deletion in GTA Online, Rockstar posted the following:

The new Title Update addresses character deletion and other loss of game progress. Look out for some official info here on the Newswire later today.

The issue in question has caused many players to lose hours of work on their online character. In some cases, characters have been lost altogether.

Saved data is only one of many concerns players have with GTA Online, but a major one. Expect the v1.03 update to become available on Xbox 360 and PS3 later today.

We discussed GTA Online‘s successes and failures in our latest episode of Next Gen News. You can also view our footage in Watch Us Play where we encounter a problematic server error during our recording session.