Spotify’s Top 50 Streams of The Week

The top streamed tracks on Spotify for the past week have been compiled into a nifty playlist below, for your listening pleasure. After all, looking at song titles when we’re all here for the music is like staring at food without actually taking a bite.  And sure, we could’ve put an image of this week’s #1 artist Avicii at the top like we did last week, especially because his “Wake Me Up” track is now reaching near-immortality, but a naked Katy Perry just sounds more fitting today. Don’t you agree?

Perry follows Avicii’s 1.87 million plays this week with 1.85 million of her own for “Roar,” while 16 year-old New Zealand sensation Lorde (who rocked an excellent Kanye cover last weekend) keeps the fire lit for her anti-consumerism anthem “Royals”. At 1.79 million plays, she’s followed by Jay Z’s “Holy Grail” and Drake’s “Hold On, We’re Going Home” with 1.4 million and 1.3 million plays, respectively.

So sink your teeth into the top 50 tracks on Spotify this week, and listen to each track in the widget below!