It’s a dismal time to be a working musician, with album sales gutted and more bands than ever clamoring for their time in the limelight on stages where consolidation of power and exorbitant “service fees” take more and more away from the experience between artist and fan. The Canadian Government is now making matters far more difficult for bands who want to cross the border and play in the Northern territories, with a recent additional $275.00 fee added to the existing $150 application fee per band member to enter the country.
A total of $425 per band member is required to be paid by talent buyers in Canada, when an international artist is attempting to play there. Small venues and promoters unaffiliated with the much larger monopolies will undoubtedly be severely impacted by the increased fees, whether the venue is a bar, small club or coffee shop. In other words, the new fee is blatantly and flagrantly anti-small business.
The government’s defense for the move is a claim that the fees are “recovery fees” for LMOs (labor market options), to give Canadians a “first crack” at jobs, according to a tweet by Jason Kenney, Calgary’s Minister of Employment, Social Development & Multiculturalism.
Thankfully, the music industry workers, from artists to managers, promoters and beyond, are taking a stand against the outrageous fees. A petition to reverse the fees (right side of page) is rapidly gaining momentum, with over 15,000 signatures gained in the first ten hours of distribution, and a total of 56,000 gathered at the time of publication.
“The implications of allowing such additional fees will hinder the potential for talented international artists whom simply aim to perform for their fans and expand their recognition,” reads a statement on “Canada’s introduction of such a fee should not be taken lightly, nor excused. The development of our culture on a global scale and the opportunity to invite talents from beyond our borders is something to be cherished and appreciated, not taxed in such a way that will only discourage Canadian talent buyers from welcoming international talent.
“With this inflation of upfront fees associated to bringing an international artist to Canada, the government is taking a clear stance of desired control over a culture that blossoms with freedom and deserve support rather than increased financial responsibility.
“Sign your name to this petition and share it with those whom you feel will also stand behind challenging such a greedy and unmerited demand that will strangle local small businesses and those attempting to welcome international talent to Canada, growing our cultural diversity and global notoriety.”