If you’re headed to Golden Gate Park this weekend for Outside Lands 2013, chances are you’ve got Pretty Lights slated out on your schedule (if you know what’s good for you). This year, attendees will have the opportunity to go beyond spectator status and take part in a pretty cool little experiment, rather than stand behind their phones and watch the show through an iPhone screen.
Fans can become a part of Pretty Lights‘ show by helping them pull off a beautiful interactive audience sourced light show. To take part, you’ll need the OSL app – download it here: http://www.sfoutsidelands.com/apps/
Have the app downloaded before Pretty Lights’ set Friday night, and get your pone ready. When he says “PUT YOUR APPS UP,” open the app, and tap ‘Wham City.’ Hold your phone high in the air and watch what happens!
Truth be told, we havent’ the slightest clue what’s going to happen. But it sounds cool, and we’ll be there to bring you every step of the action this weekend at Outside Lands 2013!! In the meantime, check out our interview with OSL co-founder Rick Farman!

SCHEDULE: See the Complete Weekend Lineup!
WEBCAST: Watch Some of OSL Biggest Acts Live
PLAYLIST: The Perfect Outside Lands San Francisco Soundtrack
INTERVIEW: OSL Co-Founder Rick Farman Talks